Tuesday, July 7, 2009

it is official!!!

okayh... im gettin a car! this may sound like a fart joke to some people, cuz i've been tellin the same story over and over again way since foundation... but as of last friday, dad closed the deal on a second hand silver atos, like in the picture, cume yg dlm gamba tu bukan kete die...

ni kete yg same, cume dekat uk jek...

kete tu belum abes lg tuka nama, ketuk n down pay and stuff, tp dpt rasekan lam 2-3 ari ni, or minggu dpan, monster trucky will be mine... i gotta name her... my first car! i think it's a boy truck so i'm gonna name him... chucky... sempena patung horror tu or chuck bartowski pon boleyh... haha!

pa nk gune kete tu staun mungkin or sampai die dpt kete citroen c5 die tu... btw, pic aritu silap sket kot... dlm pic tu, c5 tu style2 mcm bmw x5 gitu, tp c5 kat msia sebnanye sedan auto yg dkt driver ngan co driver seat die siap ade armrest lagi... satu family komen kata drivetrain, seats, even the looks is great... after he get's the citroen, nazira pgg atos tu... atos tu die punye...

meanwhile, sy cume 'pinjam' kete tu dr pa... after university and i got job, pa kata beli kete sendiri n bg blk ford... bunyik cam truk, tp actually mungkin ade hikmah kot... this means, time keje nnt i'll get a sports car for my self... (i expected later in working life, my house can only park one car... married life, different story kayh?)

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