Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Happy Birthday to my neighbour!!

haha! jgn salah anggap... bukan jiran cik nah seblah umah ak tu.... haaaa, tp ni jiran 20 taun, eh silap, 18 taun idup tgk suka duka ak, sharing stupid funny moments... my lovable sis... mesti korang cam heran, itu adek ko, bukan jiran... xpe2... meh cite sket cmane leh jadik jiran ak....

seperti yg sdia maklum, parens ak ad beli umah kat putra jaya yg hampir siap... maybe taun dpan siap... actually patut siap 2-3 taun yg dulu, tp legal stuff, melambatkan proses... so sbb da nk siap ak ckp la kat adik ak

"uuuuu~ i wish i had a cute sexy next door neighbour that i could watch (@help) her wash her car openly without raising an alarm n stuff... kat blok g ni (my current home) xde (or xpna jumpa)"

sambil melempang " abes slame ni nazira bukan jiran bilik nazmi ke? i'm cute, sexy and hot" haha! sejak tu, ak refer kat die neighbour... kinda like dat idea... hehe....

okeh2, anyway, she turned 18 on 30th june.... yeap... she's an adult now... celebrate kat hard rock cafe kl... hehe.... for her gift, i promised her we'd go sushi together! at queen's park mall... sape duk kl n nak join, jejom! ckp je dl nk ikot, then ak bgtau bile nk g mknnyer... hehe... again happy birthday nazira!
birthday girl

air paling kewl

kek befday

family disusun accordingly...

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