Monday, March 23, 2009


wah... lame suda xbeblog2ing ni... sejak internet utp yang sux gila... (bersyukur la... at least ada internet) mslh besanya, semua benda berkaitan google xle masuk... penting fammak! gtalk xle masuk... blogger xle masuk... nk research guna google pn xbole suda.... tension is rising... go, let the heat of... after a puff and two, (shy2 la) better...

so, what did i wanted to say before huh? hmmm~ i just have started midsem break... i was flamed at for not calling/unintended ignorance... anyway, i have the first few weeks of my break filled, anybody care to fill wednesday till saturday? though, pick a cheap spot... i am kinda short... not 'short' okayh...

for the first time i went home with my clean face... i got an awkward remark... who's this? i feel different around u... my dad gave a positive remark though... now this is my son... hehe...

talking bout my dad, i think i can now fiddle my ford ranger's keys in my hands now... i can feel it... during the start of the school holidays, my family went to pulau redang... using a friend of my dad's car... citroen c5...
haaa... he said that it's time to enter the world of automatic transmission... and guess what, he said that if he could find one, he's gonna buy one immediatly... yayh! it's comin! i wish it will happen.... i think my wheel of fortune is finally turning.. my license just got upgraded to full license... yayh! what more can u ask than a car to accompany my victor?
