Friday, February 27, 2009

The new guy

I have bought a new pencil case evrybody! yayh! this is da picture...
haa... ade sume bende....

wlupn scare jujur i hef to say this pensel kes is a lot prettier than the last one, it could never replace the one before... it's kinda like a gurlfriend where ur new girlfriend is sumtimes 10 thou times a lot prettier than ur old one, but the new one doesn't seem to replace the old one... things inside are not da same... i miss the pencils in the old pencil case.. however, this doesn't stop me from having the first day fever ( i think dats wat its called) or in other words, a syndrome befitting the saying "a new broom sweeps clean"...maknenye, bende2 baru mmg ade smangat lebih... aku gi klas buat nota lagi taw x?

tomorrow, i'll be going to wuhuu'09... argh! why don't i have a camera with me right now...

P/S: i gotta admit, it's actually hard to be write in english... perhaps i can alternately write in both languages? don't get me started in deutsch... hahaha!