Monday, February 23, 2009
funky weird!
damnit! i promised this one girl id wrote in english, but i forgot and wrote in malay... anyway, whats done is done... hehe... so, i refuse to erase my malay part of blog... she said that it was very different of me to b writing in bm, because she said dat my older blogs r in english.... sorry gurl.. though utp's lecture is in english, i dont utp has the right environment to to use english very quite often... im feelin my vocabs getting very blunt... so lets continue on translating the malay part of the blog!
there is this one cute girl, whom i call fyza... i called her this weekend because... umm... missing a person need a reason now? since when? so, she informed me dat she has a new celcom umber which is from upax.. or u.o.x... watever... then the weirdest thing happened....
we had the same ending number... whoa! 0589... dats like super wicked deja vu u noe... haha! after a few discussion, it is agreed dat she copied me ( hahaha! i dun noe actualy) i bought it during raya and she bought it shortly after... i bought that number cause it's my birthday... may 1989... but she had a prettier number actually for me... cause she had number 2 and 3 sumwhere up front and that totally makes up my birthday... may 23rd, 1989... i can straight away memorise her number... but the point is, we got 0589 as our ending number... way coincidential!
P/S: where is dat picture of u and jimmy? haha!
ade sorg yg aku knal nih.... fyza name diberi... aku saje2 kol mmandangkan aku rase 2 minggu tu tempoh lame jugak untuk berjauhan dengan seseorang... bjauhan bukan maksud aku xbertemu muka ke muka, tp xbertukar khabar la... klasikal gile syal aku... hahaha!! then die kte die ade nombo upax.... xtaw la ape name natang tu, tp yg pnting celcom utk universty peeps....
nombo die bg, 0589... wah! camne leh same... pls note, kitorg cm da agk lame ade nombo tu, cume xbgtaw... cme ak beli time raye, die beli lambat sket la... kripi ryte? aku bli num tuh sbb 0589 tu cm besde aku kn... pastu aku suke nombo 69... so, nombo tipon aku ade ke 6-6 nombo tuh.... tp nombo die lagi bes... yg pnting ade cam 2 ngan tige kat dpan pastu 0589... pergh... perfect besde aku syal... hehehe.... aku direct leh hapal la nombo die... tp yg pnting chemistry nombo ujung 0589... gile unexpected...
Labels: weekend coincidential