Wednesday, February 25, 2009

case study : ladies

OMG! I have become a daily blogger... dis is bad rite? not! last year, i knew this one girl, she agreed dat in utp, practically everybody speaks basic english... i'll do it ol skool style, or should i say skool style... lets write using english... well, this blog shall be written in english, and i wanna thank ms shahrina, inspiration for me to write english, and mrs umi, my high skool english teacher... sumhow, writing more and more in english makes my heart's void for her grew larger and larger... wonder where is she rite now... hurm~

anyway, back to the experiment....
TIME : from foundation to 2nd yr 1st....
men like to go places full of young picturesque ladies.... in UTP, it is quite unevitable not going to the pasar malam weekly... in my home, i have such markets on monday, wednesday, thursday and saturday... so, the objective is to identify what time is the most suitable to go to the market... to simplify, i divide the whole night market to inteervals of 30 minutes, from 5.15 to 7.45....

5.15-5.45 : The shops are just starting to set up... some shops have not even opened... not a lot of buyers... mostly, maids with young children.... crowd growing exponentially, makes u think this is the right time... BUZZ! wrong!

5.45-6.15 : Every shop is now opened... the number of people entering and leaving is almost the same with more people coming... hmmm~ a lot of girls... not a lot of men... probably playing football already... this is the time i would describe as scuba diving in the ocean and fishes swim past u...

6.15-6.45 : The peak of the crowd... Most office workers are already out of da jam and young parents are out rushing to buy their baby sum food.... i'd say the girls are already gone... perhaps they got maghrib curfew?

6.45-7.15 : alrite, the big momma and daddy arrives with their big MPV's with their teenage youg children... unless ur into kids, this would perhaps be quite the noisiest time of the market and most annoying time...

7.15-8.45 : okayh, fresh from the footballfield da guys r in town... sweaty, sometimes smelly (i am not stereotyping) also, this is the time where groups of strong useful young men hangout... the bachelors,and all, u name it... the dracula of the communtiy, i admit of being one myself, though my undying luv for Mina Harker is stronger than my fear of the sun.... some of the shops r closing btw...

8.45 and above : there's hardly any food... and if there is, a lot of them are cold.. not really banana smoothies to the ladies....

The best time to go is between 5.45 to 6.45... tho 6.30 and above is considered late...

I confirmed the results of this experiment because i went to the market just now... at 6 o clock... it's like alex in madagascar 1, making a snow angel out of meat... i saw this cute little girl with ponytails walking with a bunch of cute girlfriends.... shoot... if only she was alone, that'd be easier... btw, i was thwarted when the favourtie nasi kerabu stall is no longer open... so i have to buy jus nasi lemak.... i also bought this burger like thingy, only it was wrapped in a layer of popia skin filled with meatballs i think... i also bought popias, samosa's and a coconut shake... yes2, i noe ann... coconut shake and nasi lemak both contains yummy fatty coconut... u guys should be grateful that i don't have a camera to make u all jealous...

these past days went by raining in the evening... i couldn't go out jogging in the evening and the ladies weren't out to play kite.... i remembered dis song my mom and i used to sing when we couldn't go to the beach because of the rain... rain2 go away stuff.... tho today i was doused with contaminant-filled rain.... i was feeling uneasy and lazy... hehe...