Friday, December 26, 2008
muvi, laptop n so much more...
tadi duk semak2 paper ahad lepas xsilap ak 21 aribulan kot... aku taw mmg da lame, tp aku td bosan n tetibe teringin plak nk baca katun lam surat kabo... paper smalam bapak aku pgang, ape nk bwat... btw, tetiap ari ahad ada org anta paper pi umah aku... (tlg jgn ckp xtanye pn, plis... aku da tnsen da dga bende tu) so, sedang semak2 the star tu aku tebaca satu artikel yg sgt mnarik perhatian aku sebagai seorang muvi go-ers.... mungkin juga ini mnarik perhatian anda sume sbb aku rasela, org yg baca blog aku nih org2 jnis2 yg ske muvi jgakkan?
artikel berbunyi begini... plus minus la... aku xigt sgt... sok kaba ade kat dpan, malas nak amek...
the snippets -------->
"...a group of people who has something to do with the national film industry wants the price for hollywood movies raised to twenty bucks per movies.... (insane right?)"
"...local movie industry released this month's movie targeting school children who are on their break using movies namely 'Antoo fighter' and 'cicakman2' whose objective is to be a BLOCKBUSTER hit but dimmed by the movie 'day after tommorow' , 'quarantine' and 'twilight'...."
"instead of lowering prices of the local movies which was deemed unfair to the local act because their products is "on par" with hollywood movies..."
that was some of the snippets... i mean u get the whole idea, right? lets start from the third snippet, shall we? the movies are far beyond par with international movies... i think, the only movie worth watching is comedy or romantic movies.... the only action movie i think would be on par with hollywood movie is 'Evolusi KL Drift'... i mean, face it... Impak Maksima uses cheap flames n stuff.... on par? not gonna happen..... nk wat filem bajet rendah, tolong buat cite antu yg klaka k....
second snippet, antoo fighter does not sound anywhere near "OMG, the titles so intriguing i just cant wait to watch it"... sorry, very faraway.... cicakman2, maybe... upin ipin movie, totally watch it... if there was one...
the first snippet, i think, by doubling the price of international movies instead of keeping it the way it was or reducing the local movie's price, means less people going to the movies n more piracy and dc++ watchers... 40 bucks to watch a movie with ur girlfriend... OMG! gurls, u have to get ur boy really drunk to get him to fork out 40 bucks to watch a hollywood movie...
okeh, letih dah berfikir, skarang masa untuk berbual bende2 yang molek skit.... contohnya, laptop aku da ade skin baru skang.... haaaaa~ tp agak mcm girlish sket la sbab kupu2 n stuff tp

ni yg pling cantik.... plus, laptop aku wane puteh padan dengan skin tu.... ni die aku nk tunjuk.... tada~
hehe.... btw, aku da ltih ar... actually aku baru balik dr singapore.... well, thats another story which i would tell the next time i have internet connection kat umah aku.... pergh, korg xtaw betape penatnye bawak kete ngan bapak haku kat sebla... ie kalau bole, aku kene bawak kete tu macam pilot bawak kapal terbang firefly in a very sunnyday... no turbulence.... xbole goncang sket.... xle laju.... kot2 telanggar bonggol ke hape time tu plak dan2 bawak 120, memang habes aku kene leter... apesal bawak laju2 nih? umah tu xkemane de.... "kalau pelan2, kite plak xkemane" bicara hati kecilku..... haiz... letih.... so, till later, buh bye!